President Joe Biden’s approval ratings continue to suffer, according to a succession of polls that have gotten progressively worse since the beginning of the year.
And now, the president appears to be losing support among a longtime Democratic constituency: Black voters.
According to a new Marquette University Law School survey, pollsters found “a 32% cratering of black support for Biden, who now enjoys just a 56% approval rating among African Americans, among the worst ever for a modern Democratic president,” the Washington Examiner reported, adding:
By comparison, the same survey less than a year ago found his support among black people at 88%.
The drop was so noticeable that the school mentioned it in their headline on the survey, which put Biden’s overall approval rate from American adults at 46%, among his best of recent surveys.
““Since July 2021, Biden job approval among whites has gone from 50% to 40%. Among Blacks, it has gone from 88% to 56%. Among Hispanics, it’s gone from 56% to 51%. points to the decline among Blacks as particularly striking. #mulawpoll,” the college noted in tweet.
Since July 2021, Biden job approval among whites has gone from 50% to 40%. Among Blacks, it has gone from 88% to 56%. Among Hispanics, it’s gone from 56% to 51%. points to the decline among Blacks as particularly striking.
— MULawPoll
In the college’s January survey, 57 percent of blacks approved of Biden, while 41 percent didn’t. Now the numbers are worse: 56 percent approve and 43 percent do not.
“The trend in approval by race and ethnicity since July shows a very substantial decline in approval among black adults, with smaller but consistent declines among white and Hispanic respondents,” according to the analysis.
In March 2020, a survey found that former President Donald Trump was gaining support among black and Hispanic voters in the key state of Florida, where he now resides. He would go on to gain black and Hispanic voters in the 2020 election, and he continues
The survey data compiled by Florida Atlantic University correctly predicted that, regardless of whether Trump faced Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in November, he was poised to once again win the Sunshine State.
Biden’s approval rating dropped to a new low of 33%, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released in mid-January. That survey also found that Hispanic voters were least supportive of Biden’s job performance, with 28% saying they approve of how he is handling his duties, compared to 32% of white voters and 57% of black voters.
Just 25% of independent voters said they approve of Biden’s performance, while 57% said they disapprove.
Biden’s Grade From a Large Plurality of the Country After First Year Is Dismal