DeSantis Notches Another Major Victory Over His Redrawn Electoral Map

Harvard-educated lawyer Ron DeSantis, spending his time these days as governor of the great state of Florida, has managed a significant court victory regarding a congressional redistricting map he redrew, with the state legislature’s blessing.

“Florida’s Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a request for a hearing over the state’s controversial new congressional map that eliminates a majority Black district, putting an end—for now—to one of the most high-profile redistricting challenges heading into the midterms,” Forbes reported.

“A slew of voting rights groups suing the state wanted the court to consider reinstating an injunction blocking the map,” the report added.

“Leon County Circuit Judge Layne Smith issued an injunction last month blocking the map, ruling the proposal to move the 5th Congressional District out of a majority Black region of north Florida violated the Fair Districts Amendments of the state constitution,” the report continued.

“A state appellate court quickly moved to overturn the injunction, a decision the state Supreme Court chose to uphold,” Forbes added.

DeSantis and attorneys for the state had argued that the district itself was redrawn unconstitutionally from the outset, adding that redrawing it under the current map has nothing to do with race.

“The court did not rule on the merits of the lawsuit, but its decision to not issue an injunction effectively kills any chance of overturning the map before the midterms,” the report continued.

Conservative commentator Greg Price posted on Twitter how big of a deal this is for Republicans going into crucial midterms in November.

“The Florida Supreme Court is leaving DeSantis’ congressional maps in place that create four new GOP-leaning districts. They will be the maps used this November,” Price wrote.

Last month, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled to uphold the GOP-redrawn congressional map as well, which will make it more difficult for the state’s only Democratic member of its congressional delegation to win reelection.

Inside Elections reporter Jacob Rubaskin noted in a tweet the situation in Kansas was another blow for Dems: “The redistricting hits keep on coming for Democrats. The Kansas Supreme Court has upheld the congressional map drawn by the GOP-controlled legislature that makes Sharice Davids’ 3rd District more difficult for her. A lower court had struck down the map.”


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