Who Should Be Trump’s Running Mate? New Poll Provides the Answer

Former President Donald Trump has hinted several times over the months he left office that he intends to run again for president in 2024.

But what is equally clear is that should he do so, former Vice President Mike Pence isn’t going to be his running mate.

So — who would be a good fit for Trump? Who would Republican voters like to see?

A new survey reveals the answer.

The poll found that 27 percent of Republican voters said they want Trump to pick DeSantis as his potential vice president, compared to 15 percent who wanted former Vice President Mike Pence.

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, came third with 12 percent. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz placed fourth with 9 percent when respondents were asked whom they would like to see as Trump’s Republican running mate.

In March, Trump seemed to suggest that  as his running mate if he runs for president in 2024.

“I don’t think the people would accept it,” Trump said.

Trump cited the aftermath of the 2020 election, suggesting his differences with Pence were too stark to overcome.

“Mike and I had a great relationship except for the very important factor that took place at the end. We had a very good relationship,” Trump said. “I haven’t spoken to him in a long time.”

“I was disappointed in Mike,” Trump added.


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