GOP Now Officially The ‘Party of Women’

In the 1970s and 1980s, Democrats embraced ‘women’s rights’ and the feminist movement and it paid big political dividends for them as they became known as the “party of women.”

But in the modern era, thanks to the party’s small but dominant far-left faction, today’s Democratic Party refuses to even define what a woman is, has no issues with biological men competing in women’s sports, and claims that men can have babies.

That has effectively left women without a major political party — until now.

Like the GOP has embraced parental choice in schools and a host of so-called “kitchen table” policies like lower taxes, cheaper energy, and working-class values, the party is now moving to protect and defend all of the hard-won gains women have made over the past several decades.

The Daily Wire reports:

A group of House Republicans is introducing a new “Women’s Bill of Rights” to protect the rights of females based on their biological gender.

Arizona Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko led the group of lawmakers on the Republican Study Committee (RSC) to push for the new legislation on Thursday.

The bill is designed to push back on recent efforts by many Democrats to redefine gender or even recognize the unique differences between men and women.

“As the Left continues to erase women, we must fight for women and their place in our society,” Lesko noted in a . “Whether it’s keeping the word ‘mother’ in written law, or ensuring women’s domestic violence shelters do not have to accept biological men, we must stand up for women.”

“The modern Democrat party has put the Left’s woke agenda before the rights of women,” added RSC Chairman Jim Banks (R-Ind.).

“These days, Democrats refuse to even admit women exist or recognize them as unique beings, with unique abilities. While radical liberals strip away the progress and protections that generations of women fought to achieve, Republicans must fight back and acknowledge these basic biological truths. As the father of three daughters, I’m proud to co-lead this resolution reaffirming the legal protections afforded to them under federal law,” he noted further.

Independent Women’s Voice Vice President Carrie Lukas issued a statement supporting the Lesko-led bill.

“Women and girls’ interests are being short-changed today by those who seek to eradicate sex-specific sports, facilities, and opportunities. That ends today. I’m grateful that Representatives Lesko, Banks, Harshbarger, and Miller are standing up for women and for common sense,” she said.

The legislation acknowledges that there are biological differences between men and women. In addition, it “highlights the importance of differentiating between men and women in law for the purposes of protecting sex-segregated activities and organizations.” It also stresses the importance of using terms like “mother” and “father” in all written legislation in order to protect parents and families.

“More and more often, our colleagues on the left are trying to erase women,” Lesko elaborated  earlier Thursday.

“I am proud to introduce the Women’s Bill of Rights to affirm the importance of acknowledging women and their unique and distinguishing characteristics and contributions to our nation. As the Left continues to erase women, we must fight for women and their place in our society. Whether it’s keeping the word ‘mother’ in written law, or ensuring women’s domestic violence shelters do not have to accept biological men, we must stand up for women,” she said.


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