Glenn Greenwald Sticks Up for Meghan McCain After Attack From CNN’s Jim Acosta Over Joe Rogan

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald took up for Daily Mail columnist Meghan McCain after she appeared to come to top podcaster Joe Rogan’s defense after he has come under assault by the left in an attempt to force Spotify to drop his program.

The back and forth started with a tweet from McCain about the controversy surrounding podcast host Joe Rogan and attempts — “from liberals on Twitter, mainstream media, and even the White House — to have his host platform Spotify take more action to limit his reach,” the Daily Wire noted.

“I think a lot of people are really missing the point. Ask yourself why so many Americans have fled mainstream media and gone to Joe Rogan,” McCain tweeted last week.

“He gets 100 million listeners a month and Jim Acosta can’t even break half a million in primetime. Why doesn’t anyone trust you anymore?” she added.

Rogan initially caught flak from the left after having a pair of medical and research experts on his program to discuss various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic that are outside of the mainstream. One of the guests, Dr. Robert Malone, actually led the development of the mRNA technology used in COVID vaccines.

“But in the days that followed, the woke mob continued to come for Rogan, and critics combed through his archives until they found other “problematic” comments including a number of instances in which he used the ‘n-word,'” The Daily Wire continued.

Rogan posted a video to his Instagram on Saturday apologizing for language, particularly involving race, that was the “most regretful and shameful thing” he had ever had to address.

Warning: Strong language

In addition, dozens of old episodes of Rogan’s podcast were quietly removed from Spotify.

Acosta took that opportunity to turn the attack on McCain, quoting McCain’s tweet and saying, “I’ll take tweets that didn’t age well for 500 …”

Several people clapped back at Acosta.

  • : “Aged pretty damn well. 100 million people still listen to . And nobody listens to you.”
  • : “Is that how many people watch your show?”
  • : “Respectfully, I’m not sure that you’re in a good position to start playing the ‘Tweets that didn’t age well’ game, Mister.”
  • : “Jealousy is a horrible thing.”
  • : “Little sensitive about [how] hilariously shitty your ratings are?”

Greenwald also addressed Acosta.

Everything in ‘s tweet is still completely true. Millions of people still watch and trust Joe Rogan, while Jim can’t even attract an audience equal to a mid-sized YouTuber despite being on CNN prime-time with a giant corporation backing and promoting him,” he wrote