Survey: Americans Rate Dem-Controlled Congress And It’s Not Good

A new survey reveals how most Americans really feel about Congress, the results of which should serve as a wake-up call for Democrats who control both chambers with bare majorities.

“The survey asked respondents if they have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of a series of political figures, including key congressional leaders,” Breitbart News reported, citing the survey by The Economist/YouGov.

The outlet further notes:

A majority, 55 percent, have an unfavorable view of [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi, and of those, 44 percent have a “very” unfavorable view. Just one-third, 33 percent, have a favorable view of the Speaker. What is more, 51 percent say they disapprove of the way Pelosi is handling her job as Speaker, and a plurality, 46 percent, say “some other Democrat” should lead Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

While the remaining leaders see favorability ratings underwater as well, [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell is the only other figure in the group who sees a majority unfavorable, clocking in at 59 percent, compared to 19 percent who view him favorably. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is viewed unfavorably by 46 percent of respondents compared to 29 percent who approve. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), is viewed unfavorably by 43 percent compared to 25 percent who seen him favorably.

That said, a survey in December found that most respondents preferred former President Donald Trump’s policies to those of President Joe Biden.

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The Daily Wire reports:

Voters were asked, “Regardless of how you may feel personally about each man, would you rather continue pursuing Joe Biden’s policies and proposals or return to Donald Trump’s policies and proposals?” According to the survey, 46% said they somewhat or strongly wanted to continue Biden’s policies while 48% said that they somewhat or strongly wanted to return to Trump’s policies.

When asked, “Specifically, would you say that the economy is going in the right direction or headed in the wrong direction?” a whopping 61% of voters said it was going in the “wrong direction.”

In terms of favorability rating, Biden eeks out Trump with a 43% favorability rating compared to the former president’s 41%, but both are tied at 54% unfavorable.

Likewise, 57% of voters either somewhat or strongly disapprove of the job that Biden is currently doing as president, while only 50% disapprove of the job that Trump did while he was in office.