Trump Responds to Kick-Off of Pelosi’s 1/6 Committee Hearings: ‘Will Nancy Investigate Herself?’

(USA Features) Former President Donald Trump criticized the 1/6 Committee hearings that launched on Tuesday as a partisan effort set up by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to reach a pre-ordained conclusion: That he was responsible for the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol Building.

Trump, in a statement, appeared to suggest that Pelosi herself may have been responsible in part for what happened out of her neglect to ensure tighter security was deployed ahead of Congress meeting to count electoral votes and on the same day the then-president held a rally that attracted tens of thousands of people to Washington, D.C.

“Nancy Pelosi is spending a great deal of time, effort, and money on the formulation of a Fake and highly partisan January 6 Committee to ask, ‘what happened?’” Trump said in a statement through his Save America PAC.

“Will Nancy investigate herself and those on Capitol Hill who didn’t want additional protection, including more police and National Guard, therefore being unprepared despite the large crowd of people that everyone knew was coming?” he continued.

The former president also called on the Justice Department to release some 14,000 hours of surveillance video from the Jan. 6 riot, suggesting that it might reveal there were left-wing agitators among the crowds.

“Will Nancy release the thousands of hours of tapes so we can see the extent to which ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter played a role?” he asked.

Continuing, Trump said that the 1/6 Committee is the latest initiative by Democrats to smear him, his administration, and his supporters rather than deal with legitimate crime.

“Will Nancy look into the vicious partisan investigations of Conservatives and Republicans that are taking place by prosecutors all over the Country?” he said.

“The five-year investigation of me, and all that so many have been through, including the fake Russia Russia Russia charge, and including the local Democrat-controlled New York prosecutors who work around the clock to get President Donald Trump, while murderers, drug dealers, and human traffickers go free!” Trump added.

Earlier, other Republican lawmakers leveled similar allegations against Pelosi, namely that she was ultimately responsible for improving security ahead of the Trump event and the counting of ballots but failed to act.

“Why don’t they want to answer the fundamental question, which is, why wasn’t there a better security posture on that day?” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, whom Pelosi blocked from serving on the 1/6 Committee along with GOP Rep. Jim Banks, asked at a press conferencing Tuesday morning before the hearings began.

He pointed to a February report, which he summarized: “Pelosi’s office had previously impressed upon the Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving that the National Guard was to remain off Capitol grounds. Irving told House Administration the discussion centered around, quote, ‘optics.’

“Why were the Democrats so concerned about optics?” he said.

“Why were they so concerned about how it would look? Because of what happened last summer,” he said.

“It’s all driven by what happened last summer, where Democrats normalized anarchy, normalized political violence, raised bail money for the very rioters and looters who destroyed small businesses, attacked innocent civilians, and maybe most importantly, attacked police officers,” Jordan continued.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., echoed a similar theme.

“December 14, the leadership knew there was a problem,” he said.